Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving is a tradition celebrated by Americans all over the world. Increasingly, friends of American expatriates also join in the celebration. Soon it would be Christmas.

Many questions may confound aspiring homecooks when preparing a turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I tried this delicious and simple creation using turkey fillet; a good alternative to a whole turkey to try out this festive season with no fear of left overs. It's enough for a small family and some guests. Just roll turkey breast meat with pistachio and stuffing and roast for an hour and retains its succulent texture.

It is interesting to compare the festive dishes of Australians, Canadians and Americans. Which is your favourite?

Did you know that in Chinese culture, winter soltice is a time of feasting on meat, a rarity on the dinner table for commoners during ancient times, and glutinous rice balls in sweet soup or savoury stock.

Besides feasting, Thanksgiving is about reflection of the year passed and planning for the year ahead, being grateful to what we have, and helping those who are deprived. Hopefully, the time has not been spent in vain.

- Permission granted to republish on this site

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