Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year - hope to overcome adversities and dementia lies in TLC

Wishing all readers of my blogs a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Seeing my elderly friend getting back a healthy state both in physical mobility and mental alertness is perhaps one of the greatest Christmas and new year gifts one could ever hope for. Previously diagnosed with dementia - a dismal prognosis and no hope of recovery, it was a pleasant surprise indeed. We have often taken little things for granted until illness or misfortune hit us. TLC (tender loving care) will help to ease the pains and work miraculous to reverse things thought to be impossible.

Some recent studies showed that spices in curry could fight dementia and cancer. For the health conscious, it may be prudent to include some spicy food in your meals. However, "eating a curry could not counter-balance the increased risk of dementia associated with a poor diet". It is crucial that one maintains a balanced and nutritious diet for optimal physical and mental fitness. Worth trying!


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