Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Corporeal - real or imagined human and things

Definition of Corporeal according to the online dictionary :

1. of the nature of the physical body; bodily.
2. material; tangible: corporeal property.

In the legal context, we often distinguish between corporeal (flesh and blood) and the artificial entity of the company. The company has the benefit of protection undert the corporate veil. But ultimately, its directors (real people) are responsible if they mismange or engage in fraudulent activities. The rich and unconscionable bankers and industrialists may have to face the realities if the law catches up with them, some day.

In the cyber world, we encounter virtual peoples behind masks, if any skeletons in the closets, they will be discovered over a long time or never. The safety behind the monitor may guard against physical attacks but it does not stop cyber bullies from inflicting pain or declared altruistic philosophers who wish to change the world but injure others in the process. Take care.

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