Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lost and Found Properties - distraction or forgetfulness of the young?

I thought it is unique to our young kids who are ever so forgetful and careless with belongings. After doing a straw poll among friends and their social circle, then did I realise that we are not alone. It feels better but nevertheless remains a concern.

How many times a year have parents got to replace lost uniforms - from head to toe (sweater, jumper, jacket, hat, sports attire, shoes, etc). Having names written on the items is no guarantee that it would be found if they are left in school, the trains, shops, library or random stairs and public seats.

More bizzare cases are loss of wallets containing student card and weekly allowance and school text books which have to be ordered and replaced if they belong to a public state school.

Necessities are fine but we don't have deep pockets to pay for absent-mindedness.

ADHD or plain carelessless?


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