Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Learn more languages, a long term investment to ward off dementia

It pains to see some older friends losing their cognitive abilities. The D word dementia is looked upon with fear and preferred to be relegated a taboo status until it hits someone you know. Very brilliant people who used to be esteemed professionals, academics, researchers and analysts, have fallen victim to the ageing disease.

Recent studies showed that people who are bilingual or multilingual tend to have a reserve to ward off the onset of brain deterioration.

More importantly, one has to keep active with work, reading, exercise, socialising, etc. So don't be discouraged if well meaning people ask :
- why are you still working hard and not relaxing more?
- why are you still learning new skills?
- why are you practising other languages that are of little currency in the local context?
- why are doing voluntary services for the community?

Not only do you enjoy and find meaning in what you do, activities help to build up your abilities to deal with trials, crisis and problems that come with old age.

- c.g.

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