Saturday, March 5, 2011

Curry Favouring Bootlickers thrive among us

Curry Favour means : "to attempt to gain favour or ingratiate oneself, by officious courtesy or flattery."

More examples : "back-scratch, bootlick, brownnose, cajole, court, dance attendance on, fall all over, fawn over, flatter, kiss up to, pay court to, suck up to, sweet-talk, toady to, win over."

You may like to read about the origin and evolution of his phrase / idiom here :

It never fails to amuse, appall and irritate me whenever some people are willing and able to go out of their way, bend backwards, dissolve their pride and degrade others' reasoning power, in order to please another.

They shamelessly and undiscerningly echo the views of their boss, teacher, mentor, superior, friends, wealthy relatives and people they need help to get ahead in their career and life.

This is the safest bet and earn them brownie points. It can't go very wrong. There's a world of difference is between a suave and subtle diplomat and a crude bootlicker. But somehow, suckupers always get away with it. On the other hand, detractors and whistle blowers are a misunderstood lot who are often chided and penalised.

Human beings have ego (some larger than their size) which sometimes need a little lifting, lubrication and massage. The reality is that men and women are likely to be influenced and would generally respond favourably to such aggressively positive gestures. Some cautious and guarded people may see through the ploy and play along. The smart targets may be aware of the effusive and artificial niceities but tend not to disrupt things. It's a good feeling! This is a free world but is there really level playing field for the honest, meek, humble and sincere folks?

Don't get me wrong. There's nothing unethical about being genuinely polite, diplomatic, deferential and agreeable. However, to plan, scheme, deliberate, meditate all the time on how to get into the good books of another is pitiful and despicable. Curry favourers are also likely to be arrogant and enjoy bragging about their achievements and putting others down. Yes, sadly, these audacious parasites live and thrive among us. You can't help but notice their overpowering presence and intrusion. But fortunately some of us will never know what boots taste like.

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