Friday, April 22, 2011

Democracy hinders intelligence, Apathy and Ignorance Negate Social Equity - Australia and US will not change for better unless there's a revolution?

Evidence seems to bear out the sad reality. It is difficult choice between democracy and well being of the people. Too bad, majority of people believe in the lies and wild promises of politicians that will never materialise.

Democracy is blocking intelligence

Democracy is very close to our hearts. So close that we go to war in order to impose it on those too weak or benighted to grab it for themselves. But democracy, the tyranny of the majority, may yet prove an own goal for humanity, mainly because of the weird trick it does with scale; allowing us all to pursue our own happiness as if we were the only ones on the planet. Allowing us to act like a vast family of solipsistic only children, steadfastly voting for lower taxes and higher services.

This pathetic phenomenon is not unique to Australia. In the land of freedom USA, which is clearly not a model to follow. Unlike Australia which has a smaller population, the US suffers from a dearth of good leaders. If they do come forward, the old system of backdoor lobbying to protect vested interests will overpower any attempts at change. Though US still has some of the world's best and brightest, many are leaving for greener pastures as funding for R&D declined a decade ago. Education standards have fallen that majority of high school students could not handle basic 3 Rs (much less hard subjects) or take any interest in important domestic issues and world affairs that affect their lives.

At the national level, politicians are trying to fight fire from the explosive debt and budget deficit. Worse are poor working class who always end up with a raw bargain. Despite rising home foreclosures and increasing homelessness, high unemployment, rise in food and fuel prices, the public continued to be duped by conservative politicians to resist social change. Even Obama has been duped by the bankers for a taxpayer bailout. It's funny that those who first created unaffordable health cost and fighting in foreign lands are seen as saviours / good guys.

Sports, soap operas and saucy chain email keep restless and unsatisfied souls preoccupied. The magic engrossed, dulled the brains and lulled the voters into subservience. Instead of taking the protests to the streets, workers are disenfranchised by voting for no-change policies that will favour the rich and powerful and accelerate the demise of the American economy. They want to have their cake and eat it. More disappointments will follow.

Australia is enjoying economic growth at the moment thanks to the mining boom and avoiding some big mistakes. But the future does not look rosy if we continue to bury our heads in the sand and live like there is no tomorrow. Something will have to give sooner or later.

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