Friday, February 24, 2012

Seriously, do you really want Rudd to return as PM? Australia needs stability

Kevin Rudd would be best remembered as the man who helped to topple the Howard government. 

We don't expect Kevin Rudd to be the perfect gentleman but he has  many personal weaknesses that would undermine the effectiveness of national policies.

As more documents and revelations emerge, it is clearer that Rudd is partly if not mostly responsible for his own downfall.  Sympathy for the underdog is slowly running out when he turns into a persistent destabilizer for the party, government and country.

Rudd may have or believed that he could continue to exercise strong leadership.  But ALP is not Liberal under John Howard. Few leaders in modern democracies could pull the party together for so long. Anyway, Australia is not a dictatorship and ought not to backtrack to those days where a PM's supremacy and views could hardly be challenged by cabinet members and community interest groups. 

How would the world would look at Australia?   It is not possible to put things "right" from the past when we are living in the present.  

Julia Gillard may similarly not be the perfect leader. However, she has steadily learned to get things done. Getting through the difficult but necessary carbon and mining tax legislation is a notable achievement. 

Once again, I appeal for pragmatism. For the sake of our citizens, Kevin Rudd and labour supporters should consider what is in the country's best interests.

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