Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mourning for Victims of Arizona Shooting - Gun Laws must take part of the blame

We know our prayers for U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords have been answered when President Obama made the announcement in a passionate speech. However, many innocent victims in the vicinity of the targeted congresswoman have been mercilessly killed last weekend.

No matter what freedom fighters argue against the direct causal link between lax gun laws and random killings by mentally unstable persons, it cannot be denied that incidents of this nature will be cut down drastically with better regulation.

Don't we all know that the gun is a high calibre lethal weapon that could kill many in seconds? Why was Loughne even permitted to own a gun?

A number of Aussies have developed repungance for Howard's arrogance. But he must be praised for making innocent bystanders' lives a lot safer with the tightening gun laws in the aftermath of the Tasmania shooting.

America, we cry for you. Will the gun lobbyists, apologists and rightists will continue to win and rule America?

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