Monday, June 20, 2011

Walking Away from Masterchef glamour, a reality of life

MasterChef contestant quitter Adam Bowen is being very human and courageous for expressing his disappointment frankly. Been there, didn't like it, and walk away. How cool!

For those who did not expect the pressure of reality show, welcome to the brave screen world of Masterchef. After running for several seasons and years now, there are really no surprises that contestants would break down and display their emotions publicly. To be fair, the judges are a lot more tactful and courteous than before.

Connecting this episode with my encounter with dilemmas, I realise it is difficult for others including friends and family to understand why we make certain decisions that do not seem to be the most sensible and optimal choice. Only we really know what is best and could convince ourselves to love and excel in what we choose.

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