Tuesday, July 5, 2011

NSW Burqua Laws : covers security, religious sensitivity yet politically correct

Though NSW is credited for introducing clearer burqua laws, the legislation is long overdue. A controversial and sensitive topic, a prudent measure has finally cleared the air and tensions that constrained law enforcers and reassured the public.

NSW government's decision to force people, including Muslim women, to remove head coverings and helmet when asked by police is welcomed by many quarters, with the exception of some individual liberty and human rightis groups.

Quote : It follows the case of a Sydney woman who was acquitted of making a false accusation against a police officer because the judge ruled there was no way to confirm it was actually the woman due to the veil covering her face.

Unlike the intolerance and blanket rules agitated by conservative European politicians to ban religious cover, the NSW government has shown an objective and generic application of the laws that balances both ends of the spectrum. Politicians who play on emotions and whip up a frenzy are unlikely to go far and treading on a tight rope. NSW has got it right this instance.

Quote : Premier Barry O'Farrell has emphasised the change is not aimed at any specific religion or group, though he hopes it will prevent a repeat of Ms Matthews' case.

Even the Islamic Council is agreeable that safety and security issues should prevail in certain situations when the identity of the person who committed a crime or traffic offence must be verified against the ID photo.

Quote : The chairman of the state's Islamic Council, Khaled Sukkarieh, says a Muslim woman can reveal her face to a man for identification purposes.

"Islamically, for all Australians, irrespective of ethnicity or faith, shall respect and abide by the constitutional law of Australia. If this is handled in a sensible and a sensitive manner, there should be no issues whatsoever. ," Mr Sukkarieh said.


Some Arabs in progressive Jordan in fact see merits in discarding the traditional garbs that cover the face and body completely by women wearing the burqa and niqab especially when it constituted a security threat.


NSW's unprecedented and no drama laws has prompted the West Australian government to act. Now that's something the First State could be proud about.



Toren said...


Toren said...

Do majority of Australians really care?