Sunday, April 7, 2013

What you're consuming may not be safe - NSW restaurants named, fined and shamed

The publication of a new article highlighting and reminding us of filthy kitchens of NSW restaurants has been quite timely as it coincided with my personal experience this weekend. 

One in 10 restaurants and cafes across NSW have been fined for food safety breaches, from preparing meals in filthy kitchens to failing to control bug infestations.
Stomach upset probably caused by food poisoning has been kept at bay for a long time. Unlike less developed and tropical countries, Sydney has been thought to be a food paradise in addition to hygiene and high standard expected of kitchen staff. 

I am now suffering after at a suburban CBD area. The turnover was quite good. Who would have thought that things could go wrong. It probably got worse after hot drinks with milk the following day. Two mistake on my part not to take extra care. 

Perhaps the worst cause of food poisoning is the hand washing habits (or rather the lack of it) of kitchen staff. When the weather is warm and humid, food turns bad quickly if not kept at the right temperature.  

A more fundamental problem is that some restaurant buildings are old, there are gaps where pests and rodents could hide and propagate. Food not properly covered or disposed are major attractions and sustenance. Some of these kitchens ought to be renovated and refitted. 

Despite the publicly available information on council websites, restaurants are usually slapped with moderate fines meant as warning but most are allowed to continue operating and might even continue to flout health safety rules if no further checks were conducted. 

Most people recover and survive from a bout of illness from eating disagreeable and unclean food. However, the very young and old may not have the immunity. 
  Sadly, the shame list apparently did not deter customers from continuing to patronise popular fast food joints and restaurants. 

From personal experience, most restaurants staff would either pretend to be deaf or do not understand you and brush your concerns aside when you complain that the food is not properly cooked or other health concerns deserve attention.

Management has many opportunities to improve services that carry heavy responsibilities but patience may be running out when health is at risk. 

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