Saturday, December 4, 2010

Capsicum - double edged, the benefits and allergic reactions of consuming bell peppers

Capsicum is also known by other names : cayenne, capsaicin, chili pepper, paprika, red pepper, bell pepper and tabasco pepper.

With so much publicity on the advantages of capsicum, most people hardly learn about the negative side effects. Like all good things, some people unfortunately do not enjoy the benefits. A very small percentage of human beings have adverse reactions of varying degrees to capscicum.

Capsicum is an herbal medicine used on the skin to treat pain from arthritis and muscle aches, relieve itching. It is also used as a gargle for sore throats. While capsicum is taken for stomach ache, some healthy people may get gastric pain after eating capscicum. Other allergic reactions and side effects include itching, swelling, tingling, breathing problems or rash.

So here's a kind word of caution especially adherents of natural and alternative therapies : ensure that the herb you are taking suits your needs and constitution.

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