Monday, December 6, 2010

Kevin Rudd : Wikileaks blunt talk confirms he is the most undiplomatic highest level diplomat of Australia

The open secret of Kevin Rudd's undiplomatic ways is confirmed by the latest series of Wikileaks. Kevin Rudd, Australia's highest level diplomat, is the most undiplomatic official that has ever represented (or misrepresented) Australia.

The best interests of our great nation is not served by stoking war with China, ironically, from a professed scholar of Chinese history with many years of international experience.

Kevin Rudd's ignorance, bluntness, recklessness and ruthlessless shine through.

Even the US patron would not go to the extent of war mongering after the the debacles of misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US is adept at posturing but has tried to avoid wars in the tense but otherwise peaceful economically driven Northeast Asia region.

The latest documents revealed Rudd's true colours. This will be point of no return for Rudd's political career. It is well known that Rudd has pissed his party colleagues but his abrasiveness apparently did not stop at the domestic arena.

With a friend like Rudd, you don't need enemies. That's probably the thinking of many countries out there now.

After Wikileaks, China and other neighbouring countries will no longer believe the friendship gestures of the Australian Foreign Minister or the government he represents. There will be ramifications on economic relations with Australia's largest trading partner which has thus far helped to avoid economic recession that many parts of the world endured.

Rudd's indiscretion has also annoyed our closest friend and ally, the USA. The American ambassador was apparently enraged by Rudd's last minute cancellation of a meeting with Bush which he had earlier pushed roughshod to obtain. It may be alright for a political satire cartoonist to take pot shods at former US President GW Bush but certainly out of sync for Rudd as a head of a friendly state to partake in gossips and offend his counterpart.

On the domestic front, Rudd and the Labour party came to power on the vote of diversity and equity. The constitutencies too will not believe in Rudd's sincerity.

While most politicians are hypocrites and generally untrustworthy, the image of good old clean cut Kevin Rudd will disappoint many people. Sadly, we have to approach every nice guy with distrust and examine beneath the superficial pleasantries and promises.

- c.g.


zensorel said...

Rudd is a novice in international affairs.

Toren said...
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Unknown said...

So we have always thought that diplomats' work should be to promote peace, not to encourage nations to go to war. Bravado!