Thursday, December 29, 2011

How a good business idea could have fail outcome - the soap drama of food safe spray and wipe

Vanilla Scented "spray and wipe" came to mind because it only takes using to draw a simple conclusion that  the product has failed the functionality test.

Promised to be "food safe" and pleasantly scented with vanilla, it is an attractive idea in a world full of surprising chronic allergies and terminal illnesses coming out very so often.

However, the problem lies in two area :

(1) doubts about its efficacy as a cleaning agent - there is an apparent incompatibility between cleaning power and safety to human inhalation and consumption. Most people using "spray and wipe" detergent, do not feel the need to rinse the cloth and wipe over a second time.

(2) the after effect : the scent is so sweet and nice that it attracts ants and other insects and creepy crawlies. It has to do with the first assessment stated above. Had it been effective, it would not leave any residue from the food stains and add on food for insects on the cleaned surface. That's what waiters do in the restaurants anyway and we have been living with it without really knowing the long-term effects on health.

There may not be an appropriate returns policy nor was there any feedback regarding the new product.
But I do know that many who have used it and unsatisfied with the product would just shun it and go for something more effective despite their absence of food safe claims.

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